FOCUS Taster Programme & Masterclasses
The Focus Taster Programme, running from October to April, is targeted at students from years 9, 10 and 11 and can help you decide which A-Levels are best suited to you. You’ll need to book your place through your school but make sure you book early as places will fill up quickly!
Year 10 and 11 students are invited to join us for our masterclass programme, running after school across three consecutive Wednesdays in January. Masterclasses are subject specific sessions that offer students the chance to experience A Level style teaching and to get a real flavour of what life is like to be a KGV student.
Students can opt for subjects they know they want to continue to study, discover those they may never have experienced before or try something they want to find out more about. Each week offers a variety of fascinating subjects to choose from and students are welcome to attend as many as they like. The content of each masterclass varies so even if you attended last year you’ll find yourself doing something new and different this time.
Find out more
Please contact our School Liaison Team for more information on Masterclasses and Tasters schools@southport.ac.uk. We also highly recommend coming for a personal tour of amazing campus, which you can book at a time to suit you.
What to expect as a student at college

Student Life
Find out how to prepare for your time at KGV and how to get the most our of your college experience.

Enhance your future career, develop work related skills and extend your subject knowledge with our extra-curricular opportunities.

KGV Scholarships
Our KGV scholarship programme is designed to reward our high achieving students.