Our Partnership

KGV & Southport College officially merged on
31 January 2018.

The merged College’s two sites retain their well-established existing identities as Southport College and KGV College but work together to share expertise and good practice and offer a comprehensive range of courses for the local community.

Under the leadership of one College Management Team and a Board of Governors, the merged College continues to build on an already successful partnership, driving forward the College vision.


Our vision

To be a driving force for educational and economic excellence in Southport and the region.


To create a positive, high expectation learning environment that allows people to excel in their future careers, education, training, and life.

Our Partnership and what it means for you

As a result of the merger, KGV College and Southport College have become bigger and stronger, meaning they have more money to invest in your education and your learning environment.

  • KGV College and Southport College will keep their own names
  • Students will not need to travel between Colleges
  • KGV will remain Southport’s Advanced-Level provider