Estudiar algo de cultura española

Estudiar algo de cultura española

Spanish at KGV Sixth Form College will enable you to build upon your GCSE skills and enthusiasm to become an advanced user of the language. The practice and study of its grammar is just one of the elements of the course, and alongside the linguistic aspect, we will delve into the daily life, trends, politics and history of Spain. Spanish literature and cinema are also a core component of the course.

Choose any of the following:

  • Cinema: Watch the film María Full of Grace
  • Literature: Read in English The House of Bernarda Alba
  • Learn about Spain: Read one or more chapters from The Ghosts of Spain, of Giles Tremlett
  • Practise your listening skills and discover: watch a documentary from Spanish television
  • Creative: Write a text, design a comic or a mood board in Spanish to introduce yourself
  • Research an artist, a city or a monument and create a short presentation or information leaflet in Spanish.
Check this out...

Check this out...

Some additional resources to keep your knowledge up to date:

Something to get excited about...!

Something to get excited about...!

You will be taught by a native speaker and you will be given extra conversation sessions to consolidate your learning and develop your fluency. Learning a language is great for building your confidence and communication skills.

Circumstances permitting, we’ll prepare a visit to Spain, which will help to enrich your language learning experience.

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