Do you know what OCD & Schizophrenia really are???

Do you know what OCD & Schizophrenia really are???

Psychology is often linked to the explanation, diagnosis and treatment of mental health disorders. Two of the disorders we look at in psychology are; OCD and schizophrenia. Both conditions are often misunderstood or confused with other disorders. Watch these clips and identify how your perception of the disorder may differ from the real thing.

TED Talk on OCD

TED Talk on Schizophrenia
Check this out...

Check this out...

We've got some excellent links to get your mind buzzing about Psychology. Check out these links to find out even more about the fascinating subject:

  • SciShow Psych This brilliant YouTube channel packed with loads of videos on here that are relevant to the topics you'll be covering at College, particularly the videos covering memory.
  • British Psychological Society Research Digest (there is also an app for this), has loads of contemporary research for you to expand your knowledge.
  • Clinical Psychology Blog This is another way to keep bang up to date with all the facts!
Something to get excited about...!

Something to get excited about...!

We've lots of enthralling topics lined up for you

You're going to be studying and debating intriguing areas such as memory or considering whether juries are reliable.

You will be looking at psychopathology including the causes and treatments for mental health disorders. You will also look at children’s attachment to their caregivers and the impacts which this can have if this does not occur.

We also offer a range of exciting trips and guest speakers

Where restrictions and guidance allows, we love to enrich your time with us, these enhance the course and broaden your mind and give you excellent experience to talk about in the future.

We like to also provide additional support sessions to expand your knowledge and exam technique, fully preparing you for achieving the best results possible.

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