Brush up your boffin skills

Brush up your boffin skills

We'll really looking forward to expanding your mind, building on what you already know from school and also introducing you to new concepts and looking into the vast worlds of Particle and Quantum Physics, Mechanics, Waves, Electricity, as well as Magnetic, Nuclear and Thermal Physics.

To prepare you for stepping it up a gear, we'd love it if you could complete this brilliant set of little assignments on Seneca Learning:

Seneca Learning | A Level Physics
Check this out...

Check this out...

The web is filled with so much knowledge that if you wanted to download the entire internet, it would take you approximately 11 trillion years! We decided to make it a little easier for you and link you to some really helpful sites to keep you busy:

YouTube | Science Shorts

AQA | All About Physics A Level Qualification

Seneca Learning | A Level Physics
Something to get excited about...!

Something to get excited about...!

You're going to be delving deeper into the inner workings of the universe, right down to the subatomic level. Be prepared to appreciate that reality is not always what it seems! We've plenty of practicals lined up throughout your 2 years which is going to expand your mind and knowledge exponentially!

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