Become a Digital Media Producer!

Become a Digital Media Producer!

Studying media can lead you down many different pathways, from journalism to filmmaking. We'll be looking at everything from your favourite YouTubers and TV series to advertising and marketing techniques of the 1950’s, as well as the role that the media has in our society.

Your Challenge

We'd love it if you spent some time over the summer constructing your own media content – whether that’s setting up your own YouTube channel with content about your favourite things, creating a website about something your passionate about or even learning some video editing skills. Whatever you produce, we'd love to see it in September.

Check this out...

Check this out...

These channels are excellent for inspiring your creativity, teaching you epic skills and techniques and igniting your passion for media and production.

YouTube | No Film School

YouTube | Every Frame a Painting
Something to get excited about...!

Something to get excited about...!

We love to stretch and challenge your skills to make you the best producer you can possibly be! As part of the course you will be getting your hands on our fantastic equipment and letting you loose, creating and producing a multi-form production using digital forms such as video, print and website design. It's our students' favourite part of the course and we know you're going to love it!

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