Exploring Geographical Issues

Exploring Geographical Issues

In Geography, we look at the ‘big ideas’ in the world and how people strive to make our world a better place to live in. We potentially face dramatic changes to our world through climate change. The course will show you how trade, culture and identity in a globalised world interact with the awe-inspiring natural processes of our beautiful planet. The course will not only help you to helping us to appreciate and value our landscapes, oceans and ecosystems but understand the forces that are changing these and relate these to real places and our own lives.

Your Summer Challenge is to pick one of these Updates from Geography Review, read it and answer the questions contained within.

Happy Anniversary PRC

Plague of Plastic

Check this out...

Check this out...


Something to get excited about...!

Something to get excited about...!

A level geography requires you to experience learning beyond the classroom. Where guidance and restrictions allow we are really looking forward to field trips to urban, rural, coastal and river locations including Liverpool and to visit with city planners, coastal and climate change researchers.

A level Geography gives you the opportunity to research and complete an investigation into a geographical topic, issue or place of your choice. This allows you to indulge your interest and passion for the subject and find a project that you feel real pride and ownership of.

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