Become a Murder Squad Investigator!

Become a Murder Squad Investigator!

Forensics are the most vital pieces of evidence in murder cases. Over the summer, please familiarise yourself with the following cases and identify what are the key pieces of forensic evidence in them:

  • The People versus OJ Simpson – read about the case and watch the Netflix documentary
  • The Case of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman – The Soham Murders
  • The Case of April Jones - disappeared on 1 October 2012
Check this out...

Check this out...

We've started fantastic TikTok and Instagram accounts for you to keep up to date with us, give these a follow:



Please note: these accounts are for Forensics at KGV. This summer, our Forensics Course is moving over to KGV from Southport College to make use of the excellent extra space, fantastic suite of labs and even more crime scene rooms. We're so excited about what we will be offering you in September!!!
Something to get excited about...!

Something to get excited about...!

Every week we pack in loads of practical sessions. Whether that's in Physiology, Scientific Investigations, Environmental Forensics studying stages of decomposition or even Forensic Entomoloy, we'll have some awesome experiments and you'll learn loads of the state-of-the-art techniques used by real forensic investigators.

In year 1, you are going to be investigating an internal crime scene as a real life CSI – you’ll be provided with your SOCO Suit and SOCO kit ready to bag and tag the relevant evidence!

In year 2, we then scale up your investigation skills with the Fire investigation & Road Traffic Collision Investigations. We'll have replica crime scenes all set up, with things such as a road traffic accident all ready for you to carry out your investigations!

Keep up to date - follow us on Instagram
