Classic Culture Trip!!!

Classic Culture Trip!!!

Now that we can visit art galleries, this summer would be a great opportunity to see how the classical world has been portrayed in art. We’re lucky enough to have the Atkinson and Walker art galleries on our doorstep and the Lady Lever Art Gallery on the Wirral is also full of classical art.

Why not go and see a play? After so long without theatre, we can imagine how it would have been for the ancient Athenians witnessing the very beginnings of theatre!

Check out The British Museum's online exhibition of Love and Desire in Ancient Greece (contains graphic content).

Love and Desire in Ancient Greece

Check this out...

Check this out...

There's loads of great stuff online, but we've cherry picked two things that will really get you inspired for when you start your Classical Civilisation studies.

Something to get excited about...!

Something to get excited about...!

Enthralling Trips, Visits and Lectures

We’re looking forward to continuing our annual theatre trip to London. Last year, we watched Aristophanes’ acclaimed comedy, Frogs, and saw the British Museum’s Troy exhibition for free! This time it’s a Greek tragedy, Euripides’ Electa.

As a Classics student at KGV, you also receive free membership to the Lytham St Anne’s Classical Association. Each month we take a trip up to Lytham to see a lecture by notable classicists. Last academic year we actually met TV personality Professor Mary Beard from Cambridge University!

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