Challenge Name Here

Challenge Name Here

Rachel has put together this fantastic quiz to see how much you remember from your Chemistry lessons at school!

It's really cool, easy to work through and you can even see all your scores at the end. It's the perfect solution for keeping your knowledge on point ready for when you get cooking up those exciting experiments in September!

Seneca Chemistry Quiz

Check this out...

Check this out...

It would be brilliant if you could check out Nile Red’ on YouTube. There's loads of great videos of some really cool chemistry practicals:

Nile Red

Follow @kgvscience on Instagram! You’ll find a selection of memes/cool videos and snippets of what we’ve been up to in the science department!

Something to get excited about...!

Something to get excited about...!

You are going to be carrying out a week long practical where you will prepare, purify and test your very own sample of aspirin!
This will give you the opportunity to see what chemistry would be like at university; where you must plan your own time effectively to carry out a practical over a number of days. It is also important to know how products can be made pure, as I’m sure you can imagine the implications of selling an impure drug!

Keep up to date - follow us on Instagram
