Challenge Name Here

Challenge Name Here

Daily Challenge!

Use the daily prompts below to produce a relevent image every day for a week. Use whatever materials are appropriate to the discipline you've chosen, whether that's Fine Art, Fashion and Textiles, Graphics or Photography.

You're welcome to use whatever materials, techniques and processes you like, from paint, Sharpie, crayon, pencil, apps on devices, film, instax or digital camera; anything goes.

Do bring your creations with you in September if you want to, we'd love to see them. If you're on Instagram, please upload your results and tag us in your post @kgvartanddesign

Daily Prompts:

  • Monday - Natural
  • Tuesday - Man Made
  • Wednesday - Stacked
  • Thursday - Colourful
  • Friday - Patterned
Check this out...

Check this out...

Browse our department's Instagram page and feel inspired for September! What will you create?

Click here to take a look

Something to get excited about...!

Something to get excited about...!

At the end of each year we host a glittering Art and Design show where every student, including you will have their work exhibited in a fantastic gallery. Our latest show had to be held online and you can take a look at examples of the fantastic work on display by the classes of 2021/22 right now...

2021 Art and Design Show